Not all beef that we consume is the same. This fact is nothing new as you might have already heard about supermarket potential meat versus grass fed beef. To most citizen beef is just beef and there is nothing vastly different about the meat. But in reality, grass fed beef offers many condition benefits that you wouldn't find from regular beef sold in the supermarkets.
The main dissimilarity in the middle of grass-fed beef and regular beef is the nutritional content. The food industry's purpose is to make a profit and in an endeavor to mass produce beef for consumers, proper care of cattle is often ignored. This compromises the potential of the beef and this has a direct impact on your health. In fact, did you know that most of the beef cuts that you find in the market today, even the organically grown ones (those fed by grains), include high fat content that ranges from 35-75%?
Grass-fed beef on the other hand is harder to grow and more expensive to produce but unlike industrially raised cattle, it is full of nutritional quality. This is achieved straight through the mixture of high-protein low starch diet, daily rehearsal and clean water. The beef produced by this recipe is not only leaner but tends to have this deep, distinctive, earthly, beefy flavor that industrial grade beef can never collate to. In terms of nutritional value, grass fed beef is far more superior. Grass fed beef contains a high ration values of omega-3, Conjugated Linoleic Acid (a proven cancer fighter), Vitamins A and E, subject chain amino acids, as well as antioxidants.
Health conscious individuals following clear diets like the Paleo or the Caveman diet for example, favor grass fed beef because of its condition and nutritional benefits. Those who are aiming to lose weight can benefit from eating grass fed beef as well. With lower calorie content, high ratio of good fats to bad fats, and balanced nutrients, it is a much great choice than regular beef.
People who want to build muscle and are into body construction will also benefit from grass fed beef. This is an perfect source of protein and amino acids which all body builders need. It's also a great alternative to chicken breast. Many body builders avoid beef because of the high fat content so adding grass fed beef can help them perform their dietary goals.
So far the only downside of grass fed beef and the one thing that's preventing citizen from buying is the price. It is a bit more expensive as compared to your regular beef. Also depending on your location, you may find It a bit difficult to purchase them. But if this is the problem, you can buy from online stores. Yes, the price may be more expensive and it may be more difficult to find. But if you value your condition and want to enjoy beef without feeling guilty, this is a great option.