Tuesday, July 31, 2012

A characterize of the Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet Foods :

I've been hearing a lot about the Paleo Diet (also known as the Paleolithic Diet, or Caveman Diet) lately, so I thought I'd check into it and see what it's all about. Here's my report on this new diet fad that's sweeping the nation.

A characterize of the Paleo Diet

The idea behind the Paleo Diet is that old habitancy ate natural foods, and were leaner and healthier than we are today, with our myriad of modern diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. The kind of diet they ate was high in raw plants, fruits, vegetables, and meat. They, of course, did not eat all the suedo-foods we find in the grocery stores today, full of refined starches, chemicals, and preservatives.

Some habitancy argue that old habitancy were not healthier than we are today, and it's true that some cultures ate more "refined foods" and had more condition problems to show for it, or just didn't have the foods ready to make wholesome choices, but most customary cultures all over the world did have an old wisdom about their food and lifestyle choices. The Weston A. Price Foundation has tons of scientific research that backs up the idea of the condition of old and customary diets versus the modern diet.

The Paleo Diet argues that farming and the foods it produces, as well as food processing, the cornerstones of the modern diet, are the enemies of health. The Paleo Diet believes in cutting out milk, grains, beans and potatoes, as well as modern processed foods.

I disagree with some of this and believe instead that modern farming practices, such as striping the soil of natural nutrients and adding chemical fertilizers, pesticides and weed killers, not to mention franken-foods and gmo's are the true enemies of condition today. customary farming, as practiced by most cultures for centuries (and organic and bio-dynamic farming today) produces very wholesome foods to eat.

Of course, I agree that modern food processing, which kills live food and strips away any nutrients that are left, and then adds even more chemicals such as preservatives, hydrogenated oils, and artificial vitamins, does well furnish food that is unhealthy and should be avoided.

I also disagree with the Paleo Diet about avoiding milk and milk products. well the over processed, homogenized, pasteurized dead milk you find in the grocery store is unhealthy, and should be avoided. But raw milk and raw milk products from reputable organic grass-fed dairy farms are remarkable additions to any diet.

The idea that we should be go back to eating a more natural diet, like our ancestors did, is not well a new idea at all. I've been preaching a similar diet for approximately 10 years now with my Enzyme condition Diet Plan and my Coconut Oil Diet website. The Weston A. Price Foundation has tons of scientific research that backs up the idea of the condition of old and customary diets versus the modern diet.

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

What Food Belongs On Your Paleo Diet Shopping List?

Paleo Diet Foods :

Do you know the types of food you need to place on your caveman diet shopping list? The great news about eating a Paleo meal plan is that you will consideration much more flexibility than you do on varied other diets. Indeed, when you are attempting to work out what foods to place on your Paleo diet grocery list there is only one inquire you need to ask yourself, "Would a caveman eat this?"

What Food Belongs On Your Paleo Diet Shopping List?

Remember, the Paleo diet is centered on eating the food that our bodies are meant to eat. Our ancestors did not have sugar, processed foods, and sodas. Instead, they ate the way that nature intended, they ate from the earth. Cavemen would hunt animals to eat, accumulate their own seeds, and pick their own vegetables. There was no such thing as a cheese burger or a caesar salad dressing. And yet, they were incredibly salutary and highly strong. It was an incredibly primal way of life with their day revolving around survival and seeing after their kin. All of these matters take a huge whole of power and stamina.

Only things which a caveman might potentially have eaten should get onto your paleo diet shopping list. They are the meals that contain high amounts of natural energy. And among the easiest means to do this is to contain a lot of lean meats to your list. Lean meats possess lots of protein and protein inspires rapid weight loss and production you feel full for a greater period of time. So you should add steak, chicken, turkey, and low fat mince to your caveman recipes. And make sure you snip off any fat that is on the meat before you eat it. One more great recommendation with meat is to seek organic and natural or grass fed meat. After all, if the animals have been inviting processed foods, then that meat may not be able to give you the protein that you need on this diet.

Seeds and nuts are also a very important part of your Paleo diet. Not only do nuts and seeds help you feel full, but they are easy to pick up and take anywhere. Countless times we find ourselves famished and stuck in traffic or at the office without having our salutary and balanced food. But if you keep a pouch of mixed nuts and seeds with you, you will be able to favorably stay with your salutary eating plan all day long.

A decent provide of organic fruit and vegetables should be maintained in your home as they contain principal nutrients that are not found in any animal produce.

Last but not least, you want to contain some drinks to your grocery list. Though it is a fact that filtered water should be drunk plentifully, it doesn't mean you have to lose your favorite beverages. For instance, you must stay clear of general soft drinks, but you can have diet soda. You may also have coffee and tea in small amounts.

Establishing a Paleo diet food list may well seem frightening in the beginning, but it does not need to be. Just stay with the mantra "would a caveman eat this?". Also, remember to place some beverages on your shopping list, just be sure to evaluate what those beverages contain before you buy them.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Pros and Cons of Paleo Diet for Weight Loss

Paleo Diet Foods :

There are innumerable ways that speak about how to lose weight. So, if you are thinking about the idea of assuredly trying a diet to put a brake on your weight gain, you assuredly have a huge heap to select from. One of the diets that created quite a buzz in the weight loss arena is the Paleolithic Diet, dubbed as the Paleo diet.

Pros and Cons of Paleo Diet for Weight Loss

Obviously, the name says it all. It is a diet based on the eating habits of a Paleolithic man, generally known as a caveman or a hunter while the Stone Age. thinking about their diet, you might photo our ancestors hunting wild boars and eating fresh fruits, which is exactly the emphasis of this diet. Since they used to scavenge on the resources that were microscopic to their environment, a diet of a cave dweller was basically more of protein and less of carbohydrates.

Considering that their main furnish of food consisted of lean meats-a good source of protein, fruits-for vitamins and minerals, fish-a good provider of fatty acids, grains and other sources of sugar are nearly nonexistent since they were not the type to grow crops and herd animals. Thus, explaining the exclusion of legumes, salt and dairy products in the Paleo diet.

This singular diet met a lot of criticism. Critics feel that there are foods included in the Paleo diet that contradicts the list of other popular diet plans. They think it to be unfeasible to assuredly mimic the exact food selection of the hunt-gatherers. They also think this diet to be restrictive because even though the diet includes fruits and vegetables, other carbs and even dairy products are not included.

However, some cons can be overlooked because the advantages outweigh it. Can you think about any singular narrative that says that those who lived in the Paleolithic Era suffered from high blood pressure, obesity, heart disease, diabetes or cancer? Most of them died from accidents while hunting and old age, but not from the conditions that has a constant growth in our community nowadays. Because it lacks of additives and processed foods, it is carefully as naturally healthy. It requires no computations and measurements. And it gives an emphasis on bodily activity, and calcium is not only found in dairy products but in the greens as well.

Losing weight is tough. And even though everyone wants to lose those excess fats in the fastest way possible, it's all the time nice to take things slow and lose it the salutary way!

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Friday, July 27, 2012

How to Make the Best Meal You Have Never Had (And It's healthy Too)

Paleo Diet Foods :

For those of you that know me, you know that I'm all the time trying to eat salutary whenever I can. I don't all the time do but I try. Recently I have easily been trying easily extra hard. Nevertheless, I all the time administrate to slip up because let's face it - salutary food tastes like crap.

How to Make the Best Meal You Have Never Had (And It's healthy Too)

When I mean salutary I mean a modified version of the Paleo Diet. I try not to eat processed foods which basically means anyone man made. No sugar. And I try not to eat grain because it contains an evil protein called gluten that does some nasty things to your body. This means I can't eat bread and that easily limits the meals I can have.

Basically I try and eat like a caveman. But like I said - this is not an easy thing to stick to. Especially since I'm not supposed to drink beer.

Through my efforts I have discovered that grass-fed beef is insanely good for you. It is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can shove down your mouth. Grass-fed beef is exactly what you think it is - cow that eats grass. All other cattle are fed grains unless otherwise specified. And no, "natural diet" does not mean grass-fed.

Right now most of my meals consist of some kind of grass-fed meat - either it is steak or ground beef. I'll also have some chicken once in awhile and I wish I liked fish. So you can see I am pretty itsybitsy variety wise here and although eating steak is yummy - it does get a itsybitsy tiresome after awhile.

This has forced me to get creative with the things I cook. But finally, through many months of experimentation, I have created a dish that not only is easily salutary but is highly tasty as well. It can be done!

I call it "Ryan's Bad Ass Bowl of Beef". (Hmmmm there is a joke in there somewhere)

It's a unlikeness of a picadillo meal I learned how to cook in high school - and it is super easy to make.

Here is what you will need:

* 2 lbs Grass-fed ground beef

* A jar of Boscoli family Jalapeno Olive Salad

* An onion (I just use a bag of icy onions)

And that's it. I told you it was easy. I purchased all of these items at Whole Foods.

1. First start off by putting a itsybitsy bit of olive oil in a pan and start browning the ground beef on medium heat.

2. While you are letting the ground beef brown it's time to work on the onions. Get someone else pan, throw some olive oil in it and turn it up to high.

3. When the oil starts smoking throw in the onions. (Be faithful of the oil that might splatter once the onions hit the hot pan.)

4. Caramelize the onions by cooking them until they are a nice light golden brown color. (You will know when they are roughly done when all the water from them has evaporated and they start sticking a itsybitsy to the pan.)

5. Once the ground beef is a nice brown color - turn down the heat and add the onions.

6. Next add from everywhere 4 - 7 tablespoons of the jalapeno olive salad (I add a lot. I easily love that stuff) to the ground beef.

7. Stir it up a itsybitsy bit and you are done.

And Viola. You now have a great tasting meal that is easily good for you.

Damn I'm hungry.

- Ryan

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Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Grain Restrictions on the Paleo Diet - How to Successfully Cut Out Grains on the Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet Foods :

The Paleo Diet has seen quite a jump in popularity over the past decade. Numerous websites are devoted to the topic and scores of books, reports and cookbooks can be absolutely found. Yet many that pick to try this diet struggle with some coarse problems-this includes cutting the grains out of your diet. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this qoute and a lot of sustain to be found in the virtual paleo community.

Grain Restrictions on the Paleo Diet - How to Successfully Cut Out Grains on the Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet excludes a lot of foods that most of us have grown up eating. These comprise grains, dairy, beans/legumes, potatoes, and refined sugars and oils. Now there are some different schools of custom on how exactly to break down your food intake on the diet (this division of protein, this division of fat, etc.), but I won't get into that here. One thing is for sure-grains are not paleo.

For most of us, grains have been at the base of our food pyramid for as long as we can remember. They are typically a big part in many of our favorite dishes and recipes and often provide the basis of our snack food items.

There are a merge of ways to help you exclude grains from your diet. First, learn some paleo recipes. Whether you find them on the internet, buy a paleo cookbook, create your own or steal your friends', you need to know some recipes that fit the diet. I would propose you accumulate a collection of recipes too, because other coarse qoute is boredom with the same old dishes.

Being thriving in cutting out grains means getting all of them out of your house and wherever else you eat a lot-likely work. If you're used to eating grain based snacks, find some new ones. Fortunately slight fresh veggies, fruits and nuts make great snacks (keep a salt free, mixed bag of nuts in your car, your purse and your house). You should also investigate restaurants that have paleo amiable options. And remember, investigate lots of them. If you voyage a lot, know your chain restaurants and even fast food joints (although, I normally pick to fast rather than eating fast food).

Another important point in getting rid of those grains and staying on the diet as a whole is preparation. You've got to keep yourself supplied with a stock of paleo suitable food at all times. Give yourself time to learn what's on the diet and plentifulness of time to shop each week. Also, once you've learned to make some yummy paleo dishes, make adequate for leftovers. For those of you that are busy-and that includes about everyone these days - it's a great time saver to just grab some leftovers and get on with your life.

If you're absolutely having a tough time in cutting out the grains, don't be afraid to go the 'phase out' route. Gradually cutting out grains over a period of weeks is a great option to get used to the new diet and provides time to learn and experiment with new paleo amiable recipes. And hey, if you do fall off the wagon a bit, don't beat yourself up over it. In fact, a lot of population take cheat meals, days or even weekends on all kinds of diets and lifestyles. This was absolutely something I first learned from the dietitians I worked with at my first job in a hospital's nutritional services department. Since then I've come to see that a cheat day can be an important part of the balance in life and good for your soul.

One final issue in cutting out the grains from your diet-beer. Now this depends on what exact paleo custom your following, but agreeing to my crossfit friends and many other paleo diet practitioners, beer is not paleo nor is gluten free beer. Personally, I don't care. I'm a lover of well made beer (in moderation) and I refuse to cut it out. But if you want to go full paleo, you've got to lose the beer. Fortunately, red and white wines are ok, as well as many hard alcohols. Just be truthful with those mixers! Soda water is all the time a great mixer or you can just go hardcore and enjoy your alcohol straight. Just remember, moderation (the best diet would ideally comprise no alcohol).

Remember, it takes about 30 days of consistently doing something to make it a habit. When beginning on the paleo diet, give yourself time to adjust and keep up the consistency, especially when getting use to not keen grains. You absolutely can do just about anything you want if you put your mind to it.

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012

sell out Blood Pressure the Natural Way

Paleo Diet Foods :

More than 74 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, agreeing to the American Heart Association. As any man who is diagnosed with high blood pressure can tell you-it's frightening. Once diagnosed, many patients are placed on medications such as diuretics. These medications deplete the body of potassium and magnesium resulting in such ailments as muscle cramps, fatigue and weakness.

sell out Blood Pressure the Natural Way

People often seek the suggest of a naturopath when they have been prescribed medication and are finding for a more natural approach. An evaluation of them through blood work often finds numbers approaching hypertension. High blood pressure has many different causes. finding the root of the question is the key to a creating a natural rehabilitation plan.

High blood pressure may be caused by high levels of Homocysteine, an amino acid that causes plaque buildup in the arteries and affects blood pressure. This compound can be reduced by administering vitamins B6, B12 and folate. Regular injections of these vitamins often drops blood pressure by 10 to 20 points in as puny as six weeks. These vitamins may also be ingested, but it takes longer to work than injections.

High cholesterol may also be an basal factor. If a man has high cholesterol, they also have high plaque development, which affects blood pressure. Niacin (also known as vitamin B3) is an organic compound used most generally in modifying cholesterol levels. Magnesium and potassium deficiencies are tasteless with patients placed on diuretics. Depleting the body of potassium also affects magnesium levels, which is one of the top deficiencies in the United States. Using magnesium supplements or eating foods high in both potassium and magnesium may also help to lower blood pressure.

Diet and Food to Treat High Blood Pressure:

Vitamins B6 and B12: dairy, beef, chicken, eggs and pork. Vegetarians are at a higher risk for insufficiency in these vitamins and may want to take supplements.

Folate: spinach, asparagus, lentils and collard greens are exquisite sources.

Magnesium: nuts such as almonds, walnuts, cashews and peanuts, halibut, soybeans, spinach and oatmeal.

Potassium: bananas, apricots, beans, tomatoes, melons, potatoes, peas dates and figs.

Mediterranean diet: The Paleo-Mediterranean diet helps hypertension and lowers blood pressure. It is composed of nuts, colorful vegetables and fruits, which are full of nutrients such as vitamins B6, B12, folate and magnesium. It also consists of a compound of whole grains, seeds, legumes, seafood and good fats like olive oil. These salutary foods consumed in small portions help to make a salutary heart and body.


Hawthorne Berry: This herb works as a vasodilator. It dilates the arteries and allows for more oxygen and blood flow. Hawthorne berry is a very nutritive herb for the cardiac law in normal and is found in most herbal formulations.

Garlic: Garlic not only tastes wonderful, it also lowers blood pressure and cholesterol. It can be consumed raw or in supplements. For patients suffering from high blood pressure, there may be a whole of causes. finding the root cause is crucial to finding the right rehabilitation plan. It is always foremost to seek the health care guidance of a naturopathic doctor before administering herbal remedies.

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Sunday, July 22, 2012

Getting Comfortable With the Paleo Diet: summary of Basic Fundamentals

Paleo Diet Foods :

Have you conception as a matter of fact what it must have been like, thousands of years in the past? All of our ancestors from the Paleolithic or Caveman time period led a as a matter of fact harsh existence. No tools, instruments or even resources to carry out specific work, zero motor vehicles or airplanes just for commuting not to mention an absence of take out to be able to dig in!

Getting Comfortable With the Paleo Diet: summary of Basic Fundamentals

Though regardless of each one of these so-called disadvantages, they right on reported a great deal of useful properties:

* Physically active lifestyle

* Long life span

* freedom from almost all of the life-style sicknesses such as Obesity, High blood pressure, Heart disease and so on and other harmful illnesses such as Cancer.

* Agility

* Muscular and physically fit figure

* first-rate genetic make-up that was decent adequate to aid in amelioration and propagation of their species to the present 21st century.

How's Each of our Current Situation Different?

We have now developed significantly since the Paleolithic age. On close introspection, we comprehend that the only advancement that any of us have experienced due to that period is in fact with regard to time; in addition to the amelioration of zillions of tools and programs to make our everyday life less difficult.

You know, the technology of appliances are not to be altogether announced as being progressive, on the grounds that we've merely caused ourselves to pursue a more passive way of life as a consequence of these kinds of systems; subsequently looking yourself with a lot more health diseases.

Now just what are we getting wrong? Why is our age bracket so bogged down by millions of health conditions, obesity in conjunction with a very short lifespan? Not forgetting the numerous genetic disorders and genetic aberrations resulting in birth defects within our kids.

Main distinction in Eating Styles

Remember a thing your mom used to interpret to you??You are what you eat.? Don't you concur with her? naturally just have a seat and picture the most distinction between our current eating traits and that of our preponderant ancestors and forefathers.

I'd sure fantasize that if some individuals from that period happened to be nearby currently, they might not even think what we eat edible. 95% from the modern diet plan is prepared, ready-made, refined and preserved cuisine. A huge section of our present day diet was not as a matter of fact nearby while in the Paleolithic era, and history informs us that they did thoroughly great without making use of these modernisms.

Paleo Food plan Points

* The idea of embracing the Paleo style of living your life or employing the Paleo Meal plan for getting a salutary body was in fact put forth by Loren Cordain.

* The fundamental idea of the Paleo diet is that our anatomical make-up is tailored towards the diet utilized for the Paleolithic point in time, instead of the present one.

* Our body is pre-programmed to profit from the food plan consumed in the Paleolithic era.

* There would be no agriculture nor rearing of livestock while this period and hence the diet of the Cavemen thoroughly relied on wildlife, maritime life, fruits and some fresh vegetables.

* considering the solely understood means for cooking while that period of time was roasting; frying or other processes of making food had been entirely unheard of in that time.

* There seemed to be never any consumption of any kind of sodium, sugar, oils, dried beans or grains in that age.

* So basically their daily diet was probably high protein, reduced carbohydrate and fully excluded additives, dried beans or cereals.

Recommended Ingredients in Paleo Food plan

* Meat- Steak, pork, chicken, hunted wildlife such as deer, bison and so on

* Fish

* Eggs

* Honey

* Dry fruits

* Natural Oils

* Numerous fruits

* Greens

* Organic mushrooms

* Walnuts

Important things about the Paleo Eating plan

* High protein and reduced carbohydrate food allows weight reduction.

* Tons of persistent illnesses such as heart complications, high blood pressure, osteoarthritis, and so forth are all reported to be benefited by adhering to a Paleo weight loss program.

* No need to rack your brain, working out calorie intake.

General conception for the Paleo Meal plan

Many pundits articulate that the Paleo weight loss agenda is a restrictive sort of meal plan. Well, that is true, but also we must remember the actual diet system from the Paleolithic period was as a matter of fact restrictive. There were negligible options anytime it came to foodstuff. Despite this constraint, if a Caveman could do best than you, then why not restrict our diet a petite bit?

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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week - 8 Powerful, Proven Tips For Losing 10 Lbs in Just One Week!

Paleo Diet Foods :

Need to lose some weight quickly for an prominent event? Maybe a wedding, party, or "beach" day? In this report I'll show you some proven tips to lose up to 10 pounds in about a week. It's not all the time easy to lose weight fast but, with the wholesome tips below, you should be able to lose at least ten lbs in the next 7 days...

Lose 10 Pounds in 1 Week - 8 Powerful, Proven Tips For Losing 10 Lbs in Just One Week!

1. Get focused. Write down your goal (e.g. "Lose 10 pounds in 7 days through correct diet and smart exercise"), read it several times per day, and focus all your power on that goal. This is a proven form of "mental programming " and without this crucial step you will not be successful!

2. Do a quick detox. Do a 1 or 2 day detox diet. A simple choice is a raw juice fast, but of procedure this requires a juicer. Other good choice is a 1-2 day raw foods diet where you eat nothing but raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Whether way be sure to drink lots of pure water and unsweetened herbal teas (up to a gallon per day for best results). By doing this you should lose a pound or two easily, cleanse your body, boost your power levels, and get into the proper mindset for seriously fast weight loss results.

3. Start doing morning workouts. Every morning get up, put on some workout clothes, and go do a short 10-30 slight workout based colse to brisk cardiovascular/aerobic exercise. Speed walking or light jogging are ideal. This will help to jumpstart your metabolism and set you up mentally for the day ahead.

4. Eat a large protein-rich breakfast. Every day (except for your detox days) eat a large morning meal based colse to protein and good carbs (with some wholesome fat for good measure). This will help to limit your appetite and make it easier to stick to a correct eating plan for the rest of the day.

5. Get on a paleo-style diet. The best diet to lose 10 pounds in one week is one based colse to natural, unprocessed foods that can be hunted or gathered in the wild. These foods, sometimes called "paleo" foods, generally include: lean meats, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, vegetables, and raw fruits. Your body is designed to thrive on these wholesome foods and you'll be able to drop pounds more quickly and admittedly on this diet.

6. Cut the sugars and starches. I know it's not easy, but for the whole week you must cut out all simple sugars and starches from your diet. Certainly no refined sugars. No fruit juices. No honey. No grains (including breads, pastas, cereals, etc.). No potatoes. No rice. This simple step will cut your calorie intake while stabilizing your blood sugar levels and insulin production, development it a lot easier to burn fat and lose pounds quickly!

7. Snack often. Eat a small protein-rich and/or fiber-rich snack about every 2-3 hours while the day. Also have a piece of fresh fruit or some raw veggies about 10-20 minutes before your "big" meals. Snacking is one of the best strategies for controlling your appetite and avoiding food cravings that might derail your wholesome weight loss progress.

8. Do full-body circuit training every other day. The best workouts for burning fat and losing 10 pounds fast are ones based colse to full-body circuit training. Basically you combine sets of simple drive exercises (e.g. Pushups, bodyweight squats, pull-ups, etc.) with short rounds of higher-intensity cardio training. These workouts should be kept short (under 30 minutes) and intense in order to force your body to burn calories, drop extra fat quickly, build and tone lean muscle tissue, and allow you to get rid of that extra weight in the fastest way possible!

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Friday, July 20, 2012

Born Naked

Paleo Diet Foods :

I just read a post from The Veganist, author Kathy Freston who began her record with 'I was not born a Vegan'. She stated that she came into this world with the ideals of her parents and their parents and she lived a meat and potatoes life. She explained her journey into Veganism and why she chose to go down that path into condition and wellness. I liked her record as she expressed The Steps to becoming a Veganist and is helping people clear a path for better eating and as we all now understand, better health.

Born Naked

But, I am not a Vegan (anymore) nor am I 100% Raw (anymore), and I wanted to let you all know that "I was born 'Naked'". We were all born 'Naked'. We came into this world stripped of the ache and disease that we have located on ourselves straight through our lifestyles that our parents passed onto us. No blame there, they were only doing what they knew. And, now I am 'Naked' once again, stripped of the foods that have been weighing me down for as long as I can remember. In my opinion, being a strict Vegan is a commitment that works for some, and I admire the devotion to the cause. It can also be a lifestyle that may strip you of some potentially requisite vitamins and minerals that can only be found in positive animal products, like honey or sea creatures. And, being all Raw is a quest worth pursuing to clean and regenerate the corporeal body, the brain and the' issues in our tissues', but once we have reached a safe place where disease cannot live, some warm foods can nourish the soul.

I recently spoke at an Expo where a woman expressed that she keeps trying to eat an all raw diet and after 6 months she inevitably fails. She called herself a "failure" because she didn't fit into a box, a label or a positive way of being. With the deep compassion that one can only feel when person places such high expectations on oneself, I immediately reassured her that she was a success. She has truly succeeded in trying out a new way of living, nourishing her body, and listening to herself when it wanted something else.

You see, "Getting Naked"- being aware of the foods that weigh you down is requisite to success. But, living life to it's fullest without judgment is the only way to insure happiness while the process. Either you are a Vegan, a Vegetarian, a Paleo, Raw or plainly 'Naked', know that manufacture conscious and educated choices is the best way to live.

If you feel more comfortable defining yourself, here is a list to help you find your niche;

Naked - Stripping away the foods that weigh you down and incorporating more live foods into the diet. (Foods that weigh you down- Dairy, Wheat, Meat, Sugar, Caffeine, and Alcohol)

Raw - Eating un-processed, un-cooked, organic food. Raw foodists typically believe that the greater the percentage of raw food in the diet, the greater the condition benefits

Vegan - Veganism is a diet and lifestyle that seeks to exclude the use of animals for food, clothing, or any other purpose. Vegans effort not to use or consume animal products of any kind...

Paleo also referred to as the caveman diet, Stone Age diet and hunter-gatherer diet, is a nutritional plan based on the presumed old diet of wild plants and animals that varied human species...

Vegetarian - Vegetarianism is the practice of following a plant-based diet together with fruits, vegetables, cereal grains, nuts, and seeds, with or without dairy products and eggs...

Sad - is a dietary habit chosen by many people in developed countries, and increasingly in developing countries, characterized by high intakes of red meat, sugary desserts, high fat, and refined grains...

Whatever you choose, love what you eat and it will love you right back!

In condition and Love,


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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Ways to Lose 15 Pounds Fast - The Best Tips You Will Ever Find

Paleo Diet Foods :

Ways To Lose 15 Pounds Fast

Ways to Lose 15 Pounds Fast - The Best Tips You Will Ever Find

Below are some of the best tips I gathered from the web looking for ways to lose 15 pounds fast. It works well, in my personal opinion, since I used to be a slave of my own weight and tried dissimilar ways to lose it. By taking one step at a time and being self disciplined with my weight loss program I achieved the ideal weight for my height and age (I used to be 31 lbs over the midpoint weight for my age group!) I cut at least 15 pounds from what I used to be.

• Cut all the fats in your protein.

This was the greatest reduce for me since I'm a meat lover and a happy eater of fats! There was a day that I felt I can't go on without eating even just a slice of meat, with all its fatty tissue where lard is obtained. And I know I'm not alone here. When I was told about the risks of taking too much fats, I knew it right then that I needed to find ways to lose pounds fast. Just any ways to lose 15 pounds fast would be music to my ears!

• Focus on eating only natural, clean-burning foods.

This is easy! Vegetables, fruits, fish and sugar-free diet! And more water.

• A Glass of Lime Juice with Honey Daily.

This helps in the detoxification process and boosting up metabolism. This is a coarse concoction among Asians and known for its condition benefits.

• Eating Paleo-style or South Beach Recipes.

Penne with Eggplant; a personal favorite.

• Exercise. Exercise. And more Exercise.

Every time I hear this word exercise, girls in neon tights and rhythmic moves comes to mind - until I was reminded about jogging, biking and swimming. Practice is not minute to bending, jumping and stretching alone. Walking is one form of exercise; 45 minutes a day will do. The main purpose of Practice is to burn those calories and change your fats into muscles if you want to get your body in shape.

Instead of skipping meals, swap your food and boost your metabolism. Starvation diet is not advisable and it's not one of the best ways to lose 15 pounds fast. Our bodies must burn more calories to lose fat and our body uses most of the calories for vigor when we eat, if we eat more calories than our body's usage, it will then be stored as fat. So some weight loss diets advise us to skip our quarterly food in order to cut down the calories' intake. The fact is, although we will lose weight if we do not consume sufficient calories per day... But on the other hand, we will also lose energy...

Increasing your metabolism will help your body to process food faster and help to store less fat in your body.

To sum it all up, one of the best ways to lose 15 pounds fast is to keep your metabolism at work. We can still take the same estimate of food as long as it's low in fat and sugar-free. =)

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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Food Lectins in health and Disease: An Introduction

Paleo Diet Foods :

In up-to-date years it appears there is a rising epidemic of citizen suffering from chronic digestive and autoimmune conditions. Food intolerance or sensitivities may lie at the root of the problem. Most people, together with doctors, have dinky clue how foods they eat may be contributing to their chronic illness, fatigue and digestive symptoms.

Food Lectins in health and Disease: An Introduction

There are, however, a lot of clues in the curative literature and the lay public's experience about how foods are causing and/or contributing to the current epidemic of chronic illness and autoimmune disease. There are some diets being used by many citizen with varying success to enhance their health despite a general lack of iron clad scientific proof for their effectiveness. One of the clues to the cause and relief of food induced illness may lie in proteins known as lectins that are gift in all foods.

Animal and plant sources of food both include involved proteins known as lectins. These proteins typically have the capability to attach to sugars or carbohydrates on the surface of human cells. Some of these proteins can cause clumping of human red blood cells, a process that is called agglutination. The process of agglutination occurs when man receives the wrong blood type while a blood transfusion. In fact, red blood cell agglutination definite to each man or groups of citizen is the basis for testing for blood types. There is some data that blood types may affect how citizen write back to unavoidable foods though a blood type definite diet appears to have been disproven. The attachment or binding of unavoidable food lectins can set in motion a collection of cell definite effects. These reactions may mimic hormones or cause changes in cells. This is termed molecular mimicry.

Most plants include lectins, some of which are toxic, inflammatory, or both. Many of these plant and dairy lectin are unyielding to cooking and digestive enzymes. Grain lectins, for example, are quite unyielding to human digestion but well noteworthy for ruminants like cattle who have multi-chambered stomachs. Therefore, lectins are gift in our food and are often unyielding to our digestion and some have been scientifically shown to have indispensable Gi toxicity in humans. Others have been shown to be beneficial and maybe even cancer protecting. Either way plant and animal proteins are foreign proteins to the body and are dealt with by digestion and our immune law in a unavoidable or negative manner.

The human digestive law was created to handle a collection of plant and animal proteins through the process of digestion and elimination. Some plant and animal proteins or lectins are severely toxic to humans and cannot be eaten without causing death like those in Castor beans and some mushrooms. Other foods must be prepared before they are safe to be eaten. Preparations may include pealing, continued soaking and cooking like kidney beans. Other foods may be poorly tolerated because of a genetic predisposition or basic pre-existing food allergy or intolerance. Others are tolerated to some degree or quantity but not in large amounts or on a frequent basis. citizen who are intolerant to the milk sugar lactose, because of inherited or acquired insufficiency in lactase enzyme, may tolerate small amounts but may have severe bloating, gas, abdominal pain and cramps with explosive diarrhea when a large whole of lactose containing foods are eaten. Foods can become intolerable to some citizen after their immune law changes or gut is injured from an additional one cause.

Of the food lectins, grain/cereal lectins; dairy lectins; and legume lectins (especially peanut lectin and soybean lectin) are the most base ones associated with reports of aggravation of inflammatory and digestive diseases in the body and improvement of those diseases and/or symptoms when avoided. up-to-date explore by Loren Cordain PhD., has suggested that these lectins may effectively serve as a "Trojan horse" allowing intact or nearly intact foreign proteins to invade our natural gut defenses and enter behind the lines to cause damage well beyond the gut, generally in joints, brain, and skin of affected individuals. Once damage occurs to the gut and the defense law is breached the supervene is what some refer to as a "leaky gut". Moreover, many citizen who establish a "leaky gut" not only have gut symptoms such as bloating, gas, diarrhea, and abdominal pain but also other symptoms beyond the gut, or extra-intestinal symptoms. generally affected areas are the brain or peripheral nerves, skin, joints, and assorted body glands. With continued exposure of the gut by these toxic food lectins a persistent stimulation of the body's defense mechanism in a dysfunctional manner, occurs, i.e. Autoimmune disease.

Wrong types or levels of good and bad bacteria in the gut, or intestinal dysbiosis, may contribute to this process of abnormal stimulation of the immune system. explore supports the strong possibility that such stimulation may be accentuated by interaction of the bacteria with food lectins. It is believed by some that this may additional worsen gut injury and autoimmune disease. This latter view is gaining acceptance and recognition by doctors in one form as the hygiene theory. It is speculated that our gut bacteria have become altered by increased hygiene and over use of antibiotics and that this phenomenon may be playing a indispensable role in the rising incidence of autoimmune diseases such as diabetes, arthritis, and chronic intestinal diseases like Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome.

Lectins as a cause any way are largely being ignored in the U.S. Though the field of lectinology and lectins role in disease is more accepted internationally. Avoidance of unavoidable food lectins may be helpful in achieving health and curative of chronic gut injury. curative of a "leaky gut" and avoidance of ongoing abnormal stimulation of the immune law by toxic food lectins and bacteria in the gut is the basis for ongoing explore and probable success of some favorite diets such as the paleo diet, carbohydrate definite diet and gluten-free/casein-free diet. More explore is needed in this challenging but often neglected area. The Food Doc, Llc features a website http://www.thefooddoc.com that will provide doctor authored data on food intolerance, sensitivity and allergy such as lectin, gluten, casein, and lactose intolerance with dietary advice that will feature in the near future an online indication of illness appraisal and diet-diary.

Copyright 2006, The Food Doc, Llc. All rights reserved. http://www.thefooddoc.com

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a victorious Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet Foods :

This article assumes that you are already well-known with the Paleo diet and now want to adopt it for yourself. The "Paleo diet" has an obscure sounding name and lots of seemingly bizarre rules: no bread or beans? Despite the list of dos and don'ts, the principles is the easy part, the doing it is the hard part.

Paleo Diet Meal Plan: Tips for a victorious Paleo Diet

Eat only what the earliest humans ate.

It's that simple. What isn't so straightforward is retention your commitment. If you're like me, or most humans really, goal setting easy. How many New Year's Resolutions have you made? How many have you fulfilled? So before you jump into the Paleo diet only to abandon it a few days in, set yourself up for success.

Make a Paleo diet meal plan

My least popular part about adopting a new wholesome eating regiment is that invariably the cookbooks will list out recipes which wish ingredients I don't have. Since you can't buy 1 tablespoon of paprica, I end up buying a whole bottle... And more than I need of countless other ingredients. Meal plans are tedious, boring, and rigid. "I'll just go with the flow," I tell myself. The qoute is that going with the flow requires a mastery which I do not yet posses. I need a Paleo diet meal plan because if I don't have one, I'll end up eating unseasoned chicken breast and apples for every meal of every day. That is not sustainable.

You can make a plan yourself or find one online but you need a plan. A goal without a plan is only a fantasy. Map out what you'll eat for the next 1 - 4 weeks. You don't need an exact meal by meal "I have to eat this Tuesday for lunch" but you should have adequate meals to get you through. You should also make sure you have adequate breakfasts, adequate lunches, adequate dinners, and adequate snacks. Never underestimate snacking. If you don't plan for snacks, you'll either ditch your Paleo diet meal plan immediately and opt for a non-Paleo snack or you'll be so hungry when meal time comes nearby that you don't stick to the Paleo diet meal plan. You don't want that. Include a range of foods in case you're just not in the mood for something and make sure you, at least in the beginning, stick with what you know. If you can't prepare, or don't of course like, the food you're eating, you won't stick to your Paleo diet meal plan.

Evolve: if humans did it, so can you.

Start with foods you know and like but don't stay there. Moderately introduce new foods into your Paleo diet meal plan over time. Your first week should be only foods you know and love. Your second week, try to eat something new once per day. After that, try to integrate something new and unusual into every meal. A key component to the Paleo diet is variety. Hunter-Gatherers didn't have the luxury of a grocery store, or even a Paleo diet meal plan; they ate what was available. You need to intentionally branch out in the starting because we have been conditioned to only eat determined types of food (cereal, bacon, eggs, and toast for breakfast; a turkey sandwich for lunch, pasta or casserole for dinner).

Ultimately, a written meal plan and definite commitment are crucial for your success in converting to a Paleo diet. Hey, if humans could do it before the invention of indoor plumbing, I think you can cope it too.

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Paleo Diet Recipes: Breakfast, Lunch and supper

Paleo Diet Foods :

Paleo Diet and recipes

Paleo Diet Recipes: Breakfast, Lunch and supper

On first impression you may be mental that, like most diets, the Paleo diet is going to be too restricting/complicated and mealtimes could come to be an 'issue'. Not in the least! Do not even think for a occasion that Paleo diet meals and recipes are going to be boring, complex or lack in variety. Paleo diet recipes corollary in healthy flavoursome meals.

Protein plays a vital role in Paleo diet and meals should consist of approximately 60% to 70% percent of your daily food intake. The balance of policy being fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds with added oils used in preparing of the meals such as avocado oil, nut oils etc.

No Grain Or Dairy Is To Be Consumed

Remember shop fresh, organic, natural and wild. To be totally Paleo, eat seasonal as well - this of policy being carbon footprint friendly.

Lunch and supper Paleo diet recipes and meals can be adjusted agreeing to your own personal lifestyle and requirements. To start out take your usual recipes and merely substitute the 'cannot have' with a 'can have' - you will be amazed how speedily you adjust and how capable you are of production your own Paleo diet recipes.

Some ideas for your three main Paleo diet meals for the day:


  1. 2 Poached eggs on a bed of lightly panned spinach
  2. Bowl of mixed berries with nuts and cashew cream
  3. A 2 egg omelette with filling of your option eg - no dairy though
  4. Chicken liver and bacon with grilled tomato.
  5. Fruit smoothy of option eg banana and nut; berries and fresh coconut blended with ice cubes.
  6. Steamed/grilled fish with grilled tomato and mushroom.
  7. Absolutely nothing wrong with having the leftovers from supper the night before.

Lunch and Dinners

These can be adjusted agreeing to your daily routine.

  1. Mushroom burger with salad
  2. Roast chicken, vegetables and salad
  3. Meat and vegetable kebab with broccoli and walnut salad
  4. Bolognaise - made with zucchini spaghetti
  5. Prawn, avocado and fresh asparagus salad
  6. Wholesome chunky soup.
  7. Steak, vegetable bake and salad.


Salads and vegetables can be enhanced with discrete sauces and dressings eg any easy to make dressing of the compound of honey, lemon juice, seasoning and fresh, finely chopped herbs of choice. Paleo tartar sauce made from Paleo mayonnaise can be added to seafood, be it fish, shellfish or crustacean. A basic Paleo diet recipe for mayo is as follows:

3 - 5 Garlic cloves peeled (large)

Approximately 2 cups of organic olive oil

2 room temperature, lightly beaten free range egg yolks,

juice of 1 organic lemon

small quantity of lukewarm waster

Crush garlic cloves into a paste and add to the lightly beaten egg yolks. Lightly beat with wooden spoon until the compound turns pale yellow.

While blending the garlic and egg yolk very moderately (drop by drop) add 3 tablespoons of the olive.

Blend moderately until the compound is thick and creamy then add ½ to 1 tablespoon of water and 1 teaspoon of the lemon juice.

Continue stirring while adding the olive oil in a very fine stream. If the compound becomes too thick once again add 1 teaspoon of water and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Continue like this until all the oil is used.

Always mix by stirring in one direction only.

Should the compound split - put it over into a clean bowl and add a teaspoon of lukewarm water and mix continue like this until fixed.

Most prominent have fun inventing your very own Pale Diet recipes and meals.

Not Forgetting You Get dessert As Well!

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Friday, July 13, 2012

Why Cavemen Didn't Have Celiac Disease

Paleo Diet Foods :

It's estimated that while no one is born with celiac disease, 1 out of 250 habitancy worldwide will invent it at some point in their life. If you live in the United States your odds are about twice that. If you are a caveman, your odds of getting it are zero.

Why Cavemen Didn't Have Celiac Disease

How do you feel? Less than perfect? You might even have it yourself. Most cases of celiacs aren't diagnosed until the patient is gravely ill. That means that a lot of habitancy (possibly even you) are leading their lives in quiet desperation and may never know why.

So what is celiac disease? Technically, it's just an adverse reaction to gluten. Over time it destroys the small intestine's potential to assimilate nutrients. Other than maybe a genetic predisposition to this disease, there is no known cause and no known cure.

What's a gluten? It's a protein found in grains. If you eat bread, pasta, doughnuts, pancakes anyone else containing grain, you are eating glutens. Because it acts as a binding agent it's also found in a lot of non grain products as well. There is a lot of gluten in our processed food.

Why is celiacs so hard to diagnose? Partly because the symptoms range all over the board, from irritable bowl syndrome to itchy rashes to osteoporosis to sudden weight loss to about a hundred other things. As your diet changes the symptoms can get best or worse and even smoking (for anyone reason) seems to offer some security against this disease. So, in a sense, your physician is shooting at a animated target.

Speaking of shooting at a animated target, ever see those pictures of the Indians covered in buffalo hides, sneaking up on the buffaloes? Well, one day they noticed that when lightening struck the ground and burned a section of forest, the grass grew back very lushly and attracted a lot of buffalo. So after a while, they just lit an area on fire, waited for the grass to grow back, disguised themselves as a buffalo and let the animals come to them. Sure was a lot easier than chasing herds of buffalo over the prairie.

Back to celiac disease. For 2.5 million years we didn't eat grain. Consequently, we didn't have celiac disease. Then about 10,000 years ago we invented agriculture and started eating grain. It wasn't a natural food for us, but it tasted good and most habitancy could cope it pretty well. Unfortunately, the habitancy who couldn't tolerate it normally had kids before they died. Otherwise, by now we would all have adapted to it.

The qoute is we don't have the permissible perspective of time. As far as we are concerned, everybody has all the time eaten bread, pasta, etc. And it should be just fine. That just isn't the case. In reality 10,000 years isn't long sufficient for most of us to adjust to the poison. It would be the equivalent to person seasoning your eggs this morning with arsenic and expecting you to adjust to it by lunchtime.

While there is no cure for celiac disease, every physician will tell you that if you go on the Paleo diet the symptoms will disappear. Also, if you are suffering from arsenic poisoning, most doctors would recommend......well.....you get the point.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to Get Rid of Acne With the Paleo Diet

Paleo Diet Foods :

Acne is just something that happens, and you just have to wait it out. Does this sound familiar? Are you one those citizen hoping to be acne free by the time you have grey hair? That might sound funny, but the truth is that many of us simply have less hair and still have acne.

How to Get Rid of Acne With the Paleo Diet

Acne is not life threatening, but we all regard it as something we want to get rid of as soon as possible. As youngsters, it affects the way our peers look at us and it makes us feel uncomfortable. For many adults, this hasn't changed. Having acne affects your self-confidence and causes you to miss out on a lot of great opportunities. Have you ever been in a job interview with a face full of acne? Or maybe you've felt dreadfully self-conscious when out having fun with your friends and they seem to get all the attention.

There are millions of creams, lotions, and other products out there. Most of them simply don't seem to make a difference. If that sounds familiar, then maybe you should be finding elsewhere.

Scientific study has long struggled with the idea that acne is related to our diet. Recently however, researchers have shown that the two are connected.

The four main recognized immediate causes of acne are the following:

- Skin cells that stick together and block pores
- excessive oil produced by glands in the skin
- Bacteria infecting the blocked pores
- Inflammation of the blocked pore and surrounding tissue.

All of these causes have been shown to be related to distinct hormones and enzymes that are influenced by the food we eat.

The paleo diet, apart from having many other benefits, has shown to be highly effective in eliminating and preventing acne. The foods that are recommended in the paleo diet have shown to have a direct impact on the four causes named above. The list of foods that shouldn't be eaten includes most foods that promote acne.

So what is the Paleo diet? Basically, the paleo diet shows us how to eat the foods that our bodies were designed to eat. The human genome has evolved 0.01% in the last 10,000 years. Our eating habits have however drastically changed. Palaeolithic man was a hunter-gatherer, who ate very minute grain, let alone all the chemical rubbish we feed ourselves with today.

Direct benefits of the paleo diet are increased power and libido and off course: clearer skin!

Does this mean you have to go out hunting your food and picking berries? Of policy not, the paleo diet provides a list of foods that you can eat, and a list of foods that you should try to avoid.

The Paleo diet has helped many citizen suffering from acne. A straightforward change in your diet could free you from acne also. Why not give it a shot?

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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Paleo Meals

Paleo Diet Foods :

Sometimes the easiest foods to get ready are indeed the best.

Paleo Meals

More often what we want to learn on a day-to-day basis is a bunch of quick and easy recipes that we can get ready without spending too much time. Add up to that is purchasing high-priced ingredients just to get ready a singular meal.

We heard about Paleo Diet or Paleo meals. The "Paleo Diet" also referred to as the caveman diet is a way of obtaining nourishment based on the assumed antique eating plan of wild animals and plants that discrete human species constantly consumed during the Paleolithic era.

One medicinal formula which you can all get ready in about 20 minutes or less is Pork chops with apples and onions. You will be needing 4 bone-in pork chops, with the trimmings; 3 tbsp lard, butter; ghee or coconut oil; 2 large onions, sliced; 4 sliced and cored apples; Salt and pepper to taste. Heat a large pan over a medium-high heat. Season the pork chops with salt and pepper to taste. Melt 2 tbsp of the cooking fat and fry the chops, about 5 minutes on each side, until well-cooked and browned. Set the pork chops aside, cut the heat to medium-low, add the other tbsp of cooking fat and add the onion and apple slices. Cook for about 4 minutes, until the onions have caramelized and the apple slices are slightly soft. You can serve the chops with the toppings of apple and onions for a mouth-watering meal.

An added beneficial Paleo formula is liver & onions. get ready 4 large slices pork or beef liver; 5 large onions, sliced; 6 tbsp butter or lard; salt and pepper to taste. Heat a large skillet over medium-low heat and add 5 tbsp of the butter and the sliced onions. Cook slowly, stirring often, for about 20 to 25 minutes, until the onions are indeed soft and caramelized. Near the end of the cooking process of the onions, heat other pan over a medium-high heat and cook the liver with the rest of the cooking fat, about 3 minutes on each side. Serve the liver topped with the appetizing and creamy cooked onions. This is also appetizing served with a itsybitsy bit of homemade salsa on the side.

These recipes are all fine and enjoyable, very easy and uncomplicated to prepare. You just need to be more cautious on your intake, and the body's valuable requirement.

Here are some tips in preparation wholesome Paleo Meals.

• Low to moderate carbohydrates and moderate protein are essential.
• Use stable saturated fats like coconut oil, tallow butter and lard are good for cooking.
• Cook using more animal parts as possible and you can use bones to make stocks and broths.
• Eat cooked and raw vegetables that come from distinct varieties.
• Lessen the use of dairy products other than butter and maybe heavy cream.
• consider supplements that contribute vitamin D.
• Eliminate or cut very refined products such as sugar and refined-grain products like bread and pasta.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

How To Lose Weight, The straight Facts

Paleo Diet Foods :

How To Lose Weight - Why is there so much confusion? It seems like every single day, the next Big diet comes out. At the same time, the next "scientific breakthrough" fitness machine comes out. Sufficient is enough. Here are the straightforward facts.

How To Lose Weight, The straight Facts

There are 2 major components that you need to keep in mind when it comes to losing weight. They are calories in, and calories out. If you take in more calories then you are burning, you will gain weight. If you are burning more calories than you are taking in, you will lose weight. straightforward enough? Ok, now let's look at how to lose weight, focusing on these 2 aspects or our lives.

When it comes to calories that you are taking in, that obviously has to do with the nutritional aspect of fitness. On the other hand, when you are talking about burning calories, now we are looking at your corporeal activity level, in general your exercise. While changing one of these should impact your weight, the key to getting real results is combining the 2.

How To Lose Weight - Nutrition
I have never been one for counting calories. I think that is a tedious task, and I all the time felt bad for people that had to do it. As I have gained feel in fitness field, I have advanced my own doctrine on this topic. I think that when a person decides that they are ready to lose weight, they need to no ifs ands or buts look at the calories that they are taking in now, before they start to convert their diet. By having an idea how many calories you are piquant now, you can make the right changes to help you reach your goals. Once you have that number, set a "goal" calorie count. Do not just cut your calories in half, or suddenly eliminate everything bad from your diet. 99% of the time that people try this, they get frustrated, and before you know it, they are right back to eating fatty, high calorie, heavily processed foods, and their weight is going no place but up. If you no ifs ands or buts want to know how to lose weight, do it in stages. If you are taking in 3,000 calories a day right now, cut down to 2500 for a few days, and then 2,000 in a week or so. The following week, cut it down to 1500, and so on. Some people get dangerously low with their calorie intake, and end up not getting the key nutrients that their body needs to stay healthy. Do not make that mistake.

Food To Eat To Lose Weight
Here is a basic guide of what to eat, and what to avoid. There is no magic ingredients, just basic rules to follow. Avoid foods that heavily processed, high in sugar and fat, and that lack nutritional value. When it comes to breads and pasta, pick whole wheat over white. When it comes to milk, stay away from whole. If its fried, don't eat it!

Eat your greens! Vegetables are not only low in calories, but they are high in nutrients, and most are low on the glycemic index (which means that they keep you feeling full longer, keep your blood sugar level, and many more benefits). If you can, eat a salad a day. Drink water, lots of water. Eat lean meats, such as fish, chicken and turkey. Keep the red meat to a minimal, but if you love it, do not totally eliminate from your diet. A lot of vegetarians will tell you that the private is no meat. Well, try telling that to the paleo's, who's diet is in general meat, and they insist it is the best. The truth is, the surmise both work is that they cut the garbage out of their diets. In short, use your head. If you think it might be bad for you, it probably is.

Exercise To Lose Weight
People can argue day and night about which kind if practice is best. people use this as an excuse to not exercise, saying that they don't want to do the wrong thing. The key is to get out there and get moving. When you look at the scientific evidence, you are going to burn the most calories by doing total body moves, preferably with resistance, or doing intervals with your cardio. If you do not know where to begin, start jogging! Can't jog yet, walk, swim, ride a bike, do something. The more that you do, the more calories that you will burn.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

How Easy Is It to Make a Paleo Meal?

Paleo Diet Foods :

Paleo meals are very easy to make which is why shifting to this diet is not an overwhelming transformation. establishment a Paleo meal is not far from establishment a quarterly meal, the only divergence is in the ingredients that you use but once you already have Paleo foods and have gotten rid of what is not allowed in the diet, you will have a much easier time.

How Easy Is It to Make a Paleo Meal?

One of the things making the Paleo diet so easy is that there is no need to count or portion anything. Just as long as your pantry is stocked with Paleo foods and ingredients, it will be just like establishment a usual, original meal. Stocking your pantry with Paleo stylish foods and getting rid of those that aren't allowed is one way to keep yourself on the track of a Paleo diet. This means that you won't have to resist temptations nor commit the mistake of eating what is not allowed in the diet.

Here are some tips when establishment Paleo meals:

Salads - salads are very easy to make, they do not need much skill and they are nothing else but fast to prepare, too. If you want a fresh orchad salad, you don't need to cook anything. All you have to do is chop up vegetables, whip up a dressing, toss them together and you've already got yourself a wholesome meal.

If you want a meal but you don't feel like a salad is enough; you can grill, bake or sauté some white chicken meat to make your meal heavier. If you want some extra crunch, you can even add some nuts to your salad to add some texture.

Entrees - The possibilities of a Paleo entrée are just as diverse as your usual non-diet entrée. As we have discussed, just as long as you have a Paleo-proof pantry, your culinary imagination can take you everywhere. One of the easiest entrees to get ready that doesn't need chef skills is vegetables with meat, chicken or fish. You can bake, pan-fry, grill; or in the case of fish, steam these sources of protein with some herbs and spices to taste. Then all you need to add are steamed or sautéed vegetables and you've got yourself a meal good sufficient to be served in restaurants.

Paleo entrees are not dinky to only these. You can do as much in the Paleo diet as you can in the original culinary world.

Desserts - A Paleo sweetmeat by all means; of course consists of some or a kind of fruit. It can even be as easy as serving mixed fruits with some sauce like berries with wine reduction. Fruits alone are already desserts because they are sweet and can cleanse the palette after every meal. If you find this boring, you don't have to worry because Paleo desserts are just as involving as the desserts that you find in pastry shops. There are more involving and complicated desserts that you can find in Paleo cookbooks or on the internet.

Paleo recipes are not dinky to the ones discussed above. There are recipes all over the internet and in Paleo books as well. As I have said, the possibilities are endless so enjoy exploring the culinary world of the Paleo diet.

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Friday, July 6, 2012

Awesome Results With Diets For Quick Weight Loss

Paleo Diet Foods :

One question that you hear a lot in the weight loss industry is "What can I eat for diets for quick weight loss?" There is a new fad diet coming or going at least once a week, and all claim to be miracles for losing weight. Some say that you shouldn't eat this or that food group, like carbohydrates or animal fats. Some diets look at inescapable areas of the world like the Mediterranean diet or the South Beach diet. There's even the "Paleo Diet", which recommends eating like humans did during inescapable phases of our evolution. There are so many to choose from, how can you find the right diets for quick weight loss?

Awesome Results With Diets For Quick Weight Loss

How To rule If a Diet Could Work

How do you rule if inescapable diets for quick weight loss are going to work or not? There are two factors. First, is there any scientific evidence that shows that this diet verily gets results? It sounds inescapable enough, but this is something we often don't take time to consider. Instead, even those in the weight loss industry jump onto the latest celebrity trends without stopping to see if there's any validity to its claims of success. The world of fitness and dieting is rife with ordinarily held misconceptions. Sadly, these misconceptions get repeated and repeated endlessly, so that it's easy for use to accept them as gospel truth without seeing for evidence.

Secondly, a diet has to be sustainable, something that can be followed for the long term and integrated into part of your lifestyle. Sure some of these crash diets may help you lose some pounds on the scale in the short term but then the weight comes back. Often the weight lost is in the form of muscle mass which is not good for keeping a wholesome metabolism and prolonged efficient fat burning in the long term.

Introducing a Flexible Dieting Method

In my opinion, a dieting technique called "intermittent fasting" is one of the diets for quick weight loss that meets the above criteria. Intermittent fasting means skipping meals during a duration of time in the middle of 12 and 24 hours. Two favorite ways of dieting focus on selecting inescapable types of low-calorie foods or taking in fewer carbohydrates in order to naturally stimulate your body's insulin, thus tapping the fat that's stored. Intermittent fasting does both of these, and does them best than any fad diet. Zero is the lowest you can go in terms of calories, and if you don't eat there will be no response from your insulin at all.

The idea of skipping meals isn't very favorite in the fitness world today. The infer is that there is a ordinarily held misconception that it will cut muscle mass and slow down metabolism. But the scientific evidence verily proves that it doesn't slow down metabolism at all, and that your muscle mass will remain as long as you do some training with fasting for short periods. I mentioned earlier in the article that people rarely think scientific evidence. This is a shame, because recent studies show that intermittent fasting has health benefits for both farranging health and normal diet. It's too bad this data doesn't get to the people it could verily help.

Finally, anyone can verily do intermittent fasting no matter what they're lifestyle. You don't have to stop eating your favorite dishes, and you don't have to pick at your food while others are enjoying themselves at a party. It meets both of the above criteria by being easy to do in the long-term and also scientifically valid. I think it would verily benefit people greatly to take a look at the scientific evidence to see if diets for quick weight loss verily work before choosing on them.

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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

antique Weight Loss Secrets

Paleo Diet Foods :

This may come as a surprise to you, but there isn't any such thing as an ancient weight loss secret.

antique Weight Loss Secrets

In ancient times, cavemen and cavewomen wouldn't have had any trouble maintaining a wholesome bodyweight.

How do we know this? Because they lived a very hand-operated lifestyle. Their entire lives consisted of traveling long distances, slowly, by foot and laboriously hunting wild game or picking their fresh fruit and vegetables themselves by hand.

They may have each had unavoidable tasks to do, but there certainly wasn't anything like the life-sucking cubicle desk jobs of today. They couldn't go to the grocery store to buy their food, they would need to get it for themselves or they would end up starving.

Their diet was also vastly distinct than ours is.

Cavemen didn't subsist on heavily processed foods with dozens of preservatives and synthetic flavorings. They ate whole, natural foods that were optimized for their body -- and yours.

Believe it or not, but you can eat gigantic amounts of whole foods like lean meat, veggies, and fruits and never gain body fat. You won't be hungry, your body will get the nutrients it needs to thrive, and you won't gain unsightly body fat.

In fact, cavemen didn't eat high glycemic index foods like grains at all.

Humans as a species only began eating grains at the start of the agricultural revolution approximately 12,000 years ago. Prior to that, the knowledge of processing wheat, corn, legumes, and linked crops into food for consumption just didn't exist.

Because of this, it's likely that not only did cavemen and women have healthier body weights, but they also would have had no contact with ailments like Type 2 Diabetes or Celiac disease which are directly linked to consumption of these foods.

The best way that you, as a contemporary human, can take part in these ancient weight loss "secrets" is to engage in a whole food diet such as the Paleo Diet.

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Monday, July 2, 2012

Foods to Eat to Lower Your Cholesterol

Paleo Diet Foods :

Lowering your cholesterol can be difficult because you do not always know what you should and should not eat. You may think you're eating the right thing, but it may contain underground cholesterol in the form of palm or coconut oils. However, there are foods that you can eat that will lower your cholesterol.

Foods to Eat to Lower Your Cholesterol

Are you one of the habitancy that cringe whenever man suggests that they eat tofu? The goods news is that tofu recipes have significantly improved since the 1970's. Soy is one of the foods that have man condition benefits, along with the capability to lower cholesterol. You do not need to just eat tofu. perfect sources of soy contain textured vegetable proteins, soy milk, and soy cheese.

Garlic is someone else food that can help lower elevated cholesterol levels. If you love Italian food, this is very easy for you. Fresh garlic can be added to practically all types of cuisine. It is especially easy to add to soups, stews, and vegetables. If you do not like that taste of garlic, you can take a garlic supplement. These supplements are widely ready in pharmacies and grocery stores.

Many meats are very high in saturated fats. For that reason, many doctors and nutritionists are recommending that their patients eat more vegetarian meals per week. This is becoming a very favorite trend. As a result, there are more and more tasty vegetarian recipes available. Be aware, however, that you should avoid meals that contain fried vegetables along with tempura and the traditional preparing for eggplant parmesan.

We've all seen those commercials that encourage habitancy to eat oatmeal because it lowers cholesterol. This is true. expanding the amount of soluble fiber in your diet will significantly lower your cholesterol levels. Good sources of soluble fiber contain oats, barley, flaxseed, sweet potatoes, apples, and carrots. If you do not care for these foods, you can also add fiber powder to your daily coffee or tea. This is a "painless" way to add more soluble fiber to your diet.

Drinking apple juice every day can also help to lower elevated cholesterol levels. Apple juice contains a high level of phenols. These phenols forestall the oxidation of Ldl, meaning that the Ldl will not be able to attach to the blood vessels. Instead, they will pass straight through the excretory system.

Changing you diet can be difficult, but the added benefits to your condition will be well worth any cut you make. You can even ask your physician to refer you to a nutritionist in order to consolidate more salutary changes to your diet.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Sample Menu For Mayo Clinic Diet - Foods You Can Eat While on This Weight Loss agenda

Paleo Diet Foods :

Do you want to have a look on what consists of a Mayo Clinic Diet? Here is a sample menu:

Sample Menu For Mayo Clinic Diet - Foods You Can Eat While on This Weight Loss agenda

o For breakfast: black coffee or tea, 2 eggs, 2 slices of bacon, 1/2 grapefruit or 4-8 oz. Unsweetened grapefruit juice
o For lunch: meat of any style and any amount, 1/2 grapefruit or 4-8 oz. Unsweetened grapefruit juice, salad or raw vegetables with any kind of dressing in an unlimited number
o For dinner: meat or fish of any style and any amount, 1/2 grapefruit or 4 oz. Glass of unsweetened grapefruit juice, vegetables cooked in butter and seasoned.
o For bedtime snack: 1 glass skim milk or 1 glass tomato juice.

The weight pyramid of the clinic is the basis of the diet plan. The benefits of the Mayo Clinic Diet consist of the following:

o It puts emphasis on the point on the consumption of vegetables and fruits because these are good sources of fiber, vitamins and minerals. The dieter will be spicy a large quantity from this type of food. Grains are categorized in the less side of the pyramid. In order to promote the proper digestion of food, you must eat fruits and vegetables.
o It is known to promote the less caffeine, sugar preservative way of eating.
o In accordance to the sample meal plan, it is recommended that you monitor your food intake. You must base it on a 1200-calorie diet on the weight pyramid.
o There will be a series of rehearsal regimens for faster weight loss. It can be tiring at first, but once you get the hang of it, it will get easier in time.
o You will have way to a discrepancy of vitamins and minerals found in the meals.

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