Saturday, September 1, 2012

healthy Foods Then and Now

Paleo Diet Foods :

Eating wholesome is one of the components of maintaining the desired weight and staying in shape. With the wide array of food on the shop it is often hard to make good choices. Also, each of us is a unique individual and our bodies process and react to food differently. There are some theories as to why dissimilar bodies react differently to foods.

healthy Foods Then and Now

One principles focuses on our cave man (Paleolithic) ancestors. The principles is outlined in the book "The Paleo Diet" written by Dr. Loren Cordain. His principles is that our modern foods have evolved faster than our modern bodies and that we are a habitancy trapped in the body of a cave man. Thus, a great deal of our health and weight problems may be due to our bodies trying to process modern day foods. Our cave man ancestors would have had issue eating a Big Mac or a pizza. In his book, Dr. Crodain goes on to outline some dissimilar diets that she feels are better superior to fit our moderately evolving bodies.

The second principles is similar, but based on blood type. In his book "Eat Right for Your Type", Dr. Peter D'Adamo proposed that blood types underlie out bodies reaction to food and determines what type of diet we should have. He believes that Blood type O habitancy should eat differently than Blood Type A, B and Ab. Blood Type O, being the first blood type to evolve, came about when the dietary habits of early man were dissimilar than the later blood types of A, B and Ab. As one can see, there are some parallels between the two theories. The early Paleolithic habitancy ate a little diet based on what was available. Primarily hunters and gatherers, they ate nuts and berries, vegetables, and lean wild game.

So what does this tell us about wholesome foods and eating wholesome today? Most of it is data we already know, don't need to be told yet fail to follow. The healthiest foods are those foods which are natural. We should all be eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables, especially the green leafy vegetables. Our diets should include nuts, if you don't have an allergy to them, and lean meat. Venison is a great lean choice.

Remember, whenever possible, natural is the way to go. Limit your portions and get lots of exercise. Try and avoid very processed food and limit your salt and sugar intake. We all need food to survive, so make your survival healthy.

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